Improving Appetite for BodyBuilders

Muscular man with empty plate
The bodybuilders who spend hours in the gym working out their daily fitness dose know that the correct eating plan is the half of their success. That is why it is that important to have a good appetite. Proper food is the main building material for the muscles.
An average bodybuilder spends more than 1 000 calories per each workout session. Weight lifting training also requires much energy.

It is clear that if you work out regularly but don’t consume enough food you never get the desired result. It is important to provide your body with the whole set of vitamins and nutrients. However a lot of bodybuilders face the problem when they simply are not hungry after the training session.
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How to avoid problems in family?

People are different. And if you fall in love with a man and think he is just a perfect person it doesn’t mean you will be able to live happy life with him. Well, it sounds strange indeed. If you really want to live happy life with your partner you should work on your relationship. Remember that healthy relationship should be maintained. It means that it requires time and patience.

Unfortunately arguments are inevitable. And if you tend to pay attention to the trivial matters sooner or later it would damage your relationship. If you are sure that your partner really loves you and appreciates you then what the point to be a drama queen. You should realize that both of you learn. Sometimes it happens that we make mistakes but at the same time we learn by making them. Do not be too demanding.

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Strauss-Kahn Regrets of Adulterous Relationships

The former leader of the International Monetary Fund Dominique Strauss-Kahn who was made to put an end to his political career due to the sexual scandals connected with him has admitted that he wasn’t aware of the negative consequences of his adulterous relationship.

Strauss-Kahn has made this statement during his interview to the French journal “Le Point” after keeping silence for quite a long period since September 2011.

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Hokku- the Japanese Art of Prosody

The ancient tradition of poetry in Japan which was transmitted by the ancestors to the descendants has influenced the rules and canons of the modern hokku. The rules and manner of writing hokku are firm and unwavering like the other things associated with Japan such as the garden of 13 stones, sushi and warm sake. Following the rules id the national feature of the Japanese personality.

The Japanese poetry differs dramatically from the European and Eastern one, for example Indian and Chinese. The influence of Zen Buddhism has brought its rules of laconism and meditative observation of the object to the Japanese poetry. The lines of hokku are characterized by the in-depth view and total absorption by the depicted event or object. There are as little word required as possible to transmit the slightest elusive feeling of the changing word. That’s why each word of Japanese poetry carries great significance in spite of the laconism of the poetic lines.

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Greece needs money.

The economic situation in Greece is tough nowadays.People are protesting in Greece. Pensioners do not get proper medical care and treatment. Doctors are not paid for a long period of time. Salaries and pensions are reduced. Authorities are not willing to meet furious demonstrators. Workers face salary cuts. Thus university professors have to accept the following proposal, “the proposed cuts are: five percent on those earning up to 1 000 euros monthly; 15 percent on earning between 1 001 and 1500; 25 percent on salaries between 1500 and 2500 euros and 30 percent on all incomes above 2501 euros”. It became known that Greece authorities are going to calculate German war reparations. Greeks are ready to fight with Germans. They are sure that Germany owes them pretty much. “The German reparations are a particularly complex legal issue and subject to study and settlement at an international level in accordance with the rules of international law. The case is still outstanding, and as a country we reserve the right and possibility to manage it to a satisfactory conclusion”, says Deputy Finance Minister Christos Staikouras.

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Humor in Various Cultures

Many people all over the world like telling and listening to witty jokes. But some problems may still appear if the representatives of different culture try to share their national jokes. The main thing one should remember is that it’s not recommended to tell a joke with the help of the interpreter if you are not quire sure that you master the foreign language. Usually the jokes are the most difficult item to translate and they may lose their wit of transmitted in other language. The word “humor” has the old English origin. Englishmen love joking despite of their calmness and offishness. They take the jokes easy and commonly are not affected if someone mildly mocks their national peculiarities. Don’t search for any implicit sense in the English jokes and everything will be OK. A typical English joke sounds as following.

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The Jewish Traditions Connected with the Birth of a Girl

Far before the modern ceremonies have appeared there existed the ancient traditions connected with the birth of a girl in the Jewish families.

In the communities in the Middle East and North Africa as well as Italy The tradition of giving a name to the newborn girl was called “Zeved a-Bat” which meant “the God’s Gift”. The name of the ceremony is originated from the lines of Genesis :”And I received the wonderful gift from God”. This tradition appeared many ages ago and remains popular among the Jews at the present time. On the first Saturday after the birth the father with the grandfathers of the girl is to read aloud the extracts from Torah in the synagogue. The mother and the grandmothers also attend the service but they can’t read the Holy Writings aloud. The father has the possibility to read the Torah twice and each of the grandfathers can read it aloud once during the ceremony. After that the rabbi congratulates the parents and pronounces a special prayer asking God to shed his mercy upon the family. After the religious ceremony the celebration starts. The Jews sing traditional songs and lay the celebration table.

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Useful And Useless Presents for Newly Born Babies

If your friends or relatives have invited you to a party which is connected with the birth of a baby thin about the present you will give to the new born child. Everybody wants his present to be useful and nice. The choice is really rich. One may choose the modern toys, nappies and cosmetics for children. Here is the list of the things that are not the best present for a new born baby.

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I’ll Be Back – Music Comebacks

Inconstancy is in human nature. People often change their decisions, and rock and pop stars are not the exception from this rule. It has already become a tradition in a music world to come back after having left the stage forever. There can be only two reasons why the stars who have given there last pompous concerts years ago return to their music carrier. The romantic explanation is that it is yearning for old good days and emotions which make them return. From the pragmatic point of view, the retired celebrities just need some more money to earn. No matter what the actual reasons are, comebacks are good as they give people the opportunity to feel the joy of nostalgic recognition which we all need to experience from time to time.

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